For example, how long would it take for neutral soil to a pH of 10, by using limestone? ( I know that limestone raises soil pH). Would it take a month? a year? How long does it take to change soil pH?
Starts immediately with first watering and depending on the ph of your water, about 1 dozen watering's. So depends on how often you water. How long does it take to change soil pH?
If you are using finely ground limestone (very powdery) and mix the lime thoroughly with moist (not dry) soil, you will get the pH change in 2 weeks. Dolomitic limestone (Dolomite) will only raise the soil pH to 7.0, so you would have to use another type of lime to raise the pH to 10. If you are attempting a drastic pH change, for example liming a soil with a pH of 4.0, trying to get to a pH of 10.0, you might need slightly more time, but not much.
If you use dolomite lime like is sold in most garden centers will take some time to change the pH. Takes at least a year to get the full amount out of the lime.
You can use Hydrated lime and that will act fast. Hydrated lime can burn your skin and blow your eyes out fast too. If you use it ware gloves and goggles. Maybe have some water in case you get it on you.
Wood ash will act fast too.
as most growing conditions are stable at between 6-7 on the ph scale why would you want to overlime, doing that may stop other nutrients from doing their job
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