Monday, June 6, 2011

Fish for a 165 litre aquarium?

Hi, this is my third fish tank I've set up. It's an AquaOne AR850 aquarium that holds 165 litres(sorry I dont know the gallon conversion), and I have had it running for about 12 weeks and the fish stock so far is:

1 Brislenose plec(fully grown)

5 black phantom tetras

10 neon tetras

2 platys(males)

So, these fish have been going great and im ready to go out and get some more fish. I want to add a group of cories to the tank. I was planning on getting pygmy cories but my LFS dosent stock them anymore so I saw some beautiful corydoras similis there that grow to about 5cm so I've decided to get them.

so, my question is how many should I add if later on I decide to add 2 german rams and maybe more neon tetras or angelfish?

...also my tank has great filtration, weekly 10-20% water changes, pH 6.8, moderately planted with plenty of valls, anubis and cabomba. If anyone suggests other stocking ideas, or different cory species feel free to say them and I'm willing to take out current fish to satisfy the stocking needsFish for a 165 litre aquarium?
Corys sound like a great addition, make sure you get at least 4-6. If you did decide to purchase more fish later on i would get another group of tetras (more neons, like you mentioned, would make a great addition. You could also try a school of lemon tetras if you were interested in more species - they're really fun to watch and a bit more lively than neons). I wouldn't suggest you get the angelfish though, They get fairly big and would probably end up eating your neons unless you moved them to a different tank before they reached a size where they could fit your neons in thier mouth. Your platys are fine just as the two (they don't get to stressed if theres only a couple) if you do get more maybe try 3 females but up to you

good luck with the fishFish for a 165 litre aquarium?
get some black ghosts n angels n ghost shrimp, :)
that's about a 45 gallon tank... 43.5883886 to be exact

if you have platys and tetras you'll want to stick with other peaceful community fish that are around the same size if possible. (Since you already have 18 fish, you wouldn't want to get fish that are any bigger than say, a dalmation molly.) even larger peaceful fish may go after smaller ones. especially if it starts getting crowded.

so keep to around the same size...

also, you'll want to stock one group at a time. (the person above me is right, if you have schooling fish you want to get at least a group of 4 or 5 for them to be happy.

you should only get one group a week, let them acclumate, see how they do, and make sure you are not already stocked to the brink... THEN go and get the next group.

that being said... I'm very partial to neon black tetras, X-ray Belly tetras (OMG those are so cool), Fancy tail guppies will add a burst of color, I also like mollies. some of them are really pretty, but the breed like rabbits. There are neat little balloon bellies, cool looking sailfins, dalmation mollies...

Rummy-nosed tetra are pretty cool... they have bright red noses and black and white tails. interesting and different.

there's also the neon rainbow tetras which are pretty. (take care if you look for these... there are other rainbow fish that get big so you want to avoid those... look specifically for the rainbow neon tetra)
1 gallon = 4 litres

40 gallons = 46 US gallons

Plattys do better in groups of 4-6

You could have a pair of angels but read the link below.

You don't need to remove any fish... but I do think you are

more or less fully stocked now.

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