Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How do I create a chart showing changes in pH throughout the soil profile?

See link for a picture showing the graph I need to create. You may need to copy and paste it into your web browser:

I have no idea how to do this, after trying lots of different things in excel 2007 and 2010, googling and reading up in excel 2007 for dummies I am still none the wiser on how to make this style graph.

For example: The following data relates to salinity levels at certain depths in a soil profile, which are measurements of electrical conductivity at 1:5 ratio and expressed as dS/m.

0.0001 - 5.5 cm

0.0930 - 17.5 cm

0.0364 - 20.5 cm

Gravel - 23

0.0005 - 50.5 cm

0.0410 - 75 cmHow do I create a chart showing changes in pH throughout the soil profile?
It's actually very simple. What you have to do is enter all the values in columns. Normally, you put soil depth in the first column, because it is the independent variable and should go on the X-axis. You select the values you want to use, and select ';scatter plot'; from the options in the chart menu. In Excel 2007, go to the ';Insert'; tab and select scatter as your option.

To include a ';false point';, you have to plot a second data series on the same chart. Simply right-click the chart, select ';Select Data'; as your option, and add a series that will include the rogue point.

Hope that helps. If you need more help, drop me a line and I'll help you further.

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