Monday, November 22, 2010

How we can vary the pH value of an acid?

Here for growing single prganic crystal i want to change the pH value(increase) so how it cn be done.How we can vary the pH value of an acid?
Basically, just change the concentration of the acid. So if you want to increase the pH, just dilute the acid.

But for growing a single crystal, I think you'd be using a buffer solution, so the pH won't change if you dilute it. In this case, as long the target pH is still in the buffer range, just add an alkaline to increase the pHHow we can vary the pH value of an acid?
As I remember my chemistry class, my teacher taught us that pH or power of hydrogen value has three; the acidic base and neutral. Acidic comes when the value ranges from 0-6, then 7 is the neutral value of pH and the last the base or basic where from 8 above. Always remember that the neutral is always 7.

if the concentration is known an % dissociation is known then calculate as

[H]*= % dissociation square into concentration

from [H],

ph= -log to the base 10 [H]

and to resist change in ph add basic buffer solution

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