Saturday, November 20, 2010

Explain how the relationship between co2 in the atmosphere and CO2 in the surface ocean has changed pH.?

I'm not a hundred percent sure but i was thinking that it had to deal with that an increase in CO2, due to the formula Co2 + H2O %26lt;-%26gt; H2CO3 would cause the ocean to become more acidic. but I dont know if that answer is clear enough or worded right. plz help!Explain how the relationship between co2 in the atmosphere and CO2 in the surface ocean has changed pH.?
That's pretty much it. As atomspheric Co2 content increases, more forms in the ocean to make carbonic acid and lower pHExplain how the relationship between co2 in the atmosphere and CO2 in the surface ocean has changed pH.?
Yes, the formation of carbonic acid is the cause of acidification. I would add the first dissociation step as part of the argument (H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-), because the stable form at near neutral pH is bicarbonate; that is, it is this dissociation that causes pH to decrease under natural conditions, in ocean waters.
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