i want to change the ph for my fish tank t0 a 6.0 or 6.5 and i want to add some drift wood where kan i get some in the sanfernando areaHow to chaNGE THE PH?
You havent said whether you want to take the pH up or down...If you want to take it down..i dont advise the chemical solutions at pet stores...they never work long term..all they do is cause pH fluctuations and it shoots right back up again...this will stress your fish..
So for taking it down...try some driftwood, will make a slight difference. If you use tap water thats from the city..you could try using fresh rain water..the pH is a bit lower and better for the fish.
If you want to take it UP to 6.5...then i suggest a few rocks or a small piece of dead coral...these both buffer the pH up...make sure to boil them first. this is mainly used in cichlid tanks for buffering up the pHHow to chaNGE THE PH?
drift wood and live plants, you can always order them online if you cannot find them in a store. petco sells them though.
You can get chemicals to change the PH if your comfortable with it.
you can always find driftwood at some pet store (i never seen one at local pet store though). controlling the PH isn't that easy, but it could be done by adding chemical and stuff. be aware this could lead toward unstable PH levels. this is far more dangerous to the fish. is there any reason you want to drop the PH level so low. i suggest you get reverse osmosis systems to soften the water and this will also get your PH level lower. but you must add minerals to the water if you use this method and it will also cost you more.
Monday, November 22, 2010
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