Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How can you (i)increase and (ii)decrease pH of a solution having pH=6?

what happens to the pH if sodium hydroxide is added to a solution of pH%26lt;7?is it necessary that it will turn basic or will there be just an increase in the pH?

also, fresh milk has pH6.how do you think pH will change,as it turns into curd?explain.

do basic solutions also have H+ ions?if yes,then why are they basic?How can you (i)increase and (ii)decrease pH of a solution having pH=6?
decrease in pH, the solution becomes acidic, that's pH%26lt;7

increase in pH, the solution becomes basic, that's pH%26gt;7

If you add NaOH which is a strongly alkaline compound, your solution will surely turn basic which means an increase in pH.

For the milk, as it turns into curd, the pH6 decreases because it becomes acidic.

Anything that is sour is acidic which means a pH%26lt;7.

pH7 is neutral by the way.

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